summer school

CIRED Summer School

5th CIRED International Summer School in Economic modelling of Environment, Energy and Climate


Topic: Human and policy dimensions of urban sustainability
19 – 23 June 2023

Paris, France (in the beautiful Jardin Tropical, our CIRED campus)

Deadline for application: 3rd April 2023

The aim of the Summer School is to foster scientific exchanges between participants and faculty members about human and policy dimensions of urban sustainability, and the modelling methods relevant to address the different dimensions to this broad issue.

The topic could cover retrospective (e.g. econometrics) and prospective (e.g. using integrated models) studies on all dimensions of urban sustainability: GHG emissions, adaptation to climate change, air pollution, ecosystem services. The studies should analyze either costs, benefits, or equity issues related to these concepts, and be relevant for policy making, for instance.

  • What are the costs of urban climate change mitigation and/or adaptation policies?
  • What are their co-benefits?
  • What are their short and medium term distributional impacts ?

Those are some of the questions that will be raised during the Summer School, which will gather students working with quantitative approaches (retrospective, e.g. econometrics, or prospective, e.g. using integrated models) to address the different dimensions of this topic.

The lectures given by the School’s faculty members will provide the background scientific material. Participants will be asked to present a version of their research work and will receive valuable feedback from fellow students and from the School’s faculty members. Additional activities include group project exercises, reading sessions, conferences and social events. The faculty will be composed of researchers from CIRED, Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg, and international leaders in environmental economics and integrated assessment modelling.

3 April 2023: Deadline for application

14 April 2023: Notification of acceptance, registration opens

30 April 2023: Deadline for registration

19-23 June 2023: Summer School

Any question? Please send us an email

The summer school is the 5th edition of CIRED International Summer School, which for the first time is jointly organized with Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg (Berlin). CIRED had launched a series of International Summer School in Economic modelling of Environment, Energy and Climate in 2017. This summer school is its 5th edition. Previous years topics were

  • Modelling approaches to assess NDCs and mid-century strategies
  • The role of demand and lifestyles in low carbon pathways
  • Inequalities and climate change
  • Equity and justice in transitions to net zero emissions societies – contributions from Integrated Assessment Modelling studies.

The Summer School is aimed at advanced graduates (PhD and master) and post-doctoral students in environmental and energy economics and modelling.

A participation fee of EUR 100 will cover lunches and social dinner.

The School organisers will make available a limited number of scholarships to applicants from lower income countries. The scholarships will cover travel costs and participation fees to the School.

Documents to upload are :

  • Curriculum vitae (1 page) ;
  • A short motivation letter (500 words max) ;
  • A short abstract of your intended presentation during the Summer School (500 words max) ;
  • A Letter(s) of reference (optional)

Please note that mandatory documents are to be uploaded as a single .pdf file containing the documents in the same order.

Please note that this website is regularly updated. We suggest you to visit it frequently to keep yourself up to date.

Our funders and partners:

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Chair Modeling for sustainable development



Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg


With the support of:


Topic: Modelling approaches to assess NDCs and mid-century strategies



Michel COLOMBIER is co-founder and Scientific Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) since 2002, and associated professor at Sciences-Po Paris. He has developed a wide operational expertise in the field of Energy and Environment Policy design, but always maintained a strong connection with the University, teaching and developing research activities. He was before Director General of ICE (International Consulting on Energy) developing activities at both local (cities, regions) and international level (governments, international institutions and firms) ; Senior Advisor in the cabinet of the Minister of Energy and Head of the “strategy and evaluation” Department of Ademe (French Agency for Environment and Energy). He served as member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the GEF (Global Environment Facility) and as negotiator in the UNFCCC process.

Céline GUIVARCH is a senior researcher at CIRED, and associate professor at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. Before joining academia, she worked for two years in Central Asia for a project on climate change, which included a task on building a economy-energy model for Kazakhstan to evaluate the potential for GHG emissions reductions. This experience led her to start a PhD on the economics of climate change mitigation in 2006. In 2011, she took a year off academia to work at the International Energy Agency, in the Climate Change Unit. Since then, her research has focused on the evaluation of climate policies, mitigation costs, the social cost of carbon, energy efficiency, energy security, energy poverty, integrated assessment modelling, long-term socioeconomic scenarios, and uncertainties in models and decisions. She is currently co-PI of the French Interdisciplinary Group on Nationally Determined Contributions, formed to foster interdisciplinary research and dialogue between researchers and climate negociators.

Emilio LA ROVERE is full Professor of the Energy Planning Program and Executive Coordinator of the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and the Environment at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ). He is a leading expert in climate policy in Brazil and at the international level and has worked as a consultant and adviser for the Brazilian government (Special Adviser on Climate Change) and many other national and international organisations. Since the 90s, he has been lead author of the Assessment Reports of the IPCC (from SAR to AR5).

Franck LECOCQ, lecturer at AgroParisTech, is director of CIRED. His research focuses on the economics of climate change, including, inter alia, inter- and intra-generational equity, relationships between climate change and development, carbon markets, and the role of forests in climate policy. He has been lead author of the IPCC 4th and 5th Assessment Reports (Working Group III) and he is a member of various expert groups, including French Expert Committee on Energy Transition that assesses France’s performances against its decarbonization goals.

Julien LEFEVRE is researcher at CIRED and lecturer at AgroParisTech. He holds a PhD in environmental economics. His research focuses on energy and climate change economics, energy-economy hybrid modelling, CGE modelling and energy and low carbon transitions at national scale. He has special experience in assessing low carbon pathways in Brazil and France. He is also coordinator of the Economic Modelling of Environment, Energy and Climate track of the MSc program in Environmental, Energy and Transport Economics from Université Paris Saclay.

Nadia MAÏZI is Professor at MINES ParisTech and Director of the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMA). She is Director of the ParisTech Chair Modeling for Sustainable Development since 2008, head of the ParisTech delegation on the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) since 2009, French delegate on the ETSAP (Energy Technology System Analysis Program) run by the IEA (International Energy Agency) since 2008 and head of studies for the advanced Master’s degree OSE (Energy Systems Optimization). She is an expert in energy system modelling, optimization and prospective analysis.

Steve PYE is a senior researcher from the UCL Energy Institute. He has been undertaking research and consultancy on energy issues since 2001, before moving into academia in 2010. He primarily researches on the socio-economic aspects of transitions to a low carbon society, both at the UK, EU and global scales. A current research effort concerns how energy modelling can better inform decision making under uncertainty in the UK, through combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. This draws on over 10 years of experience in providing decision support on energy strategy issues for the UK Government. Steve’s other main current research area relates to equity and fairness considerations across low carbon transitions, both in the UK, and for the EU28 under the Horizon 2020 project, REEEM. He also continues to be active in researching the feasibility and costs of deep decarbonisation pathways and net zero emission systems.

Evelina TRUTNEVYTE is a senior researcher, group leader and lecturer at ETH Zurich, Department of Environmental Systems Science. She is a member of the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research-Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE), ETH Energy Science Center (ETH ESC), and an associate of the ETH Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (ETH ISTP). She is also an Honorary Senior Research Associate at University College London, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy & Resources. She holds the highly competitive Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione Energy career grant. She is an energy systems analyst and modeler, specializing in socio-technical approaches and energy decision making under deep uncertainty and at science-society interface.

Henri WAISMAN is the coordinator of the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) within the Climate Program at IDDRI since December 2013. After graduating from the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon in physical sciences, he joined the CIRED (Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement) in 2005 where he conducted modeling work for the analysis of socio-economic impacts of energy and climate issues. He obtained a PhD in economics of the environment from EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) in April 2012 for his study of the relationship between carbon pricing, constraints on oil markets and spatial organisation of urban systems in the context of ambitious climate policies.



Day 1 – Tuesday, July 4th

  • Franck LECOCQ, no slides
  • Céline GUIVARCH, Assessing NDCs and mid-century strategies : overview and modelling issues
  • Gwenaël PODESTA, A science-policy perspective on NDCs
  • Maragatham KUMAR, Modeling approaches to assess decarbonization strategies in Malaysia
  • Marissa MALAHAYATI, Emission mitigation policy impact on Indonesian economy
  • Omkar PATANGE, Assessing the impacts of stringent climate change mitigation commitments on India’s energy access targets
  • Emilio LA ROVERE, no slides

Day 2 – Wednesday July 5th

  • Evelina TRUTNEVYTE, Energy transformation pathways
  • Annika MÜNKEL, Analysis of instruments for decarbonisation and their impact on the German electricity sector
  • Stephanie WEBER, The role of electric vehicles in US climate policy
  • Adriano VINCA, The role of CCS in achieving low carbon targets : a numerical assessment
  • Georgia SAVVIDOU, Developing a method for dynamic electricity demand simulation
  • Mariana WEISS DE ABREU, Analysis of the impacts of public policies on the Brazilian households’ pattern of energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases
  • Nadia MAÏZI, Dedicating multiscale approaches to low carbon prospective studies

Day 3 – Thursday July 6th

  • Céline GUIVARCH & Julien LEFEVRE, Social and economic implications of low carbon pathways
  • Dipti GUPTA, Aligning decarbonization of energy systems and sustainable development in India : synergies and tradeoffs
  • Souran CHATTERJEE, Measuring productivity impact-multiple impact of energy efficiency measure
  • Ying ZHOU, Peak and Leak
  • Roland MONTENEGRO, Distributional impacts of energy and climate policies in Germany and the EU
  • Henri WAISMAN, The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) : an approach to multi-stakeholder dialogue on national decarbonization – Methodological insights and First results

Day 4 – Friday July 7th

  • Steve PYE, The articulation between national and global scales : Lecture & Interactive session
  • Mariliis LEHTVEER & Mathias FRIDAHL, Premises for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage in the global response to climate change
  • Gabriel MALTA CASTRO, MitiClubs : technology, trade and carbon pricing clubs / IES-Brasil – implicações econômicas e sociais
  • Vivien FISCH, Investments needs for transport infrastructures along low carbon pathways
  • Salaheddine SOUMMANE, Macroeconomics of growth under climate challenge : the case of Saudi Arabia
  • Gen Li, CGE Modeling for Assessing China’s Waste Management Policies

Day 5 – Saturday July 8th

  • Michel COLOMBIER, no slides
Topic: A just transition to net zero emissions societies – contributions from Integrated Assessment Modelling studies

Find all the information about the 2022 edition

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