Thématiques de recherche
- Adaptation au changement climatique en situation d’incertitude, en particulier dans les secteurs de l’eau et de l’agriculture.
- Modélisation intégrée et évaluation des conséquences économiques des événements climatiques.
Thèse de doctorat
〉Dumas P., S. Hallegatte, P. Quintana-Seguì, E. Martin (2013). The influence of climate change on flood risks in France – first estimates and uncertainty analysis. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Volume 13, pp 809-821. DOI 10.5194/nhess-13-809-2013.
〉Dumas P., M. Ha-Duong (2013). Optimal growth with adaptation to climate change. Climatic Change Volume 117, Issue 4, pp 691-710. DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0601-7. pdf
〉Souty, F., Brunelle, T., Dumas, P., Dorin, B., Ciais, P., Crassous, R., Müller, C., and Bondeau, A. (2012) The Nexus Land-Use model version 1.0, an approach articulating biophysical potentials and economic dynamics to model competition for land-use, Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1297-1322, doi:10.5194/gmd-5-1297-2012.
〉Nassopoulos H., P. Dumas, S. Hallegatte (2012). Adaptation to an uncertain climate change : cost benefit analysis and robust decision making for dam dimensioning. Climatic Change, volume 114, pages 497-508. DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0423-7. pdf.
〉Hallegatte S., N. Ranger, O. Mestre, P. Dumas, J. Corfee-Morlot, C. Herweijer and R. Muir Wood (2011). Assessing climate change impacts, sea level rise and storm surge risk in port cities : a case study on Copenhagen. From the Climatic Change issue entitled « Special Issue : Understanding Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation at City Scale ». Volume 104, Number 1, 113-137, DOI : 10.1007/s10584-010-9978-3.
〉Hourcade J-C., P. Ambrosi, P. Dumas (2009) Beyond the Stern Review : Lessons from a risky venture at the limits of the cost-benefit analysis, Ecological Economics, Volume 68, Issue 10, Pages 2479-2484, ISSN 0921-8009, DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2009.04.011.
〉Hallegatte S., M. Ghil, P. Dumas et JC Hourcade (2008) Business Cycles, Bifurcations and Chaos in a Neo-Classical Model with Investment Dynamics, J. Economic Behavior & Organization, 67(1). pdf
〉Lahellec, A., Hallegatte, S., Grandpeix, JY., Dumas, P., Blanco, S. (2008) Feedback characteristics of nonlinear dynamical systems, Europhysics Letters.
〉Hallegatte, S., Dumas, P., Can natural disasters have positive consequences ? Investigating the role of embodied technical change, Ecological Economics (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.06.011
〉Hallegatte S, J.-C. Hourcade, P. Dumas (2007) Why economic dynamics matter in assessing climate change damages : illustration on extreme events, Ecological Economics, volume 62, issue 2, pp. 330-340, doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2006.06.006 pdf
〉Doyen L., Dumas, P., Ambrosi, P. (2007) Optimal timing of CO2 mitigation policies for a cost-effectiveness model, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 48.
〉Ambrosi P., J-C Hourcade, S. Hallegate, F. Lecocq, P Dumas, et M. Ha-Duong (2003) Optimal control models and elicitation of attitudes towards climate change, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 8 (3):135-147. Special Issue on Modeling the economic response to global climate change. pdf
〉Portoghese I., Bruno E., Dumas P., Guyennon N., Hallegatte S., Hourcade J.-C., Nassopoulos H., Pisacane G., Struglia M. V., Vurro M. (2013) Impacts of climate change on freshwater bodies : quantitative aspects, dans Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean : Volume 1 : Air, Sea and Precipitation and Water, coordonné par A. Navarra et L. Tubiana. DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-5781-3_9, Springer, série Advances in Global Change Research, 241-306.
〉Hallegatte S. et P. Dumas (2012) Adaptation et gestion des risques : usages et limites de l’analyse coût-bénéfice, dans « Gestion des risques naturels, leçons de la tempête Xynthia », coordonné par V. Przyluski et S. Hallegatte, Editions Quae, ISSN 2115-1229.
〉Genovese E., S. Hallegatte, P. Dumas (2011) Damage Assessment from Storm Surge to Coastal Cities : Lessons from the Miami Area, dans Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World, coordonné par Stan Geertman, Wolfgang Reinhardt et Fred Toppen, Springer série Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-19789-5_2, 21-43.
〉Hallegatte S., P. Dumas (2010) Impact macroéconomique des catastrophes naturelles : mécanismes d’amplification et frein au développement, dans Réduire les vulnérabilités des systèmes écologiques et sociaux aux événements climatiques extrêmes, coordonné par Henri Décamps et Jean Dercours, Académie des sciences, 79-83.
〉P. Dumas et M. Ha-Duong. An abrupt stochastic damage function to analyse climate policy benefits, dans Alain Haurie et Laurent Viguier, editeurs, The coupling of climate and economic dynamics, Essays on Integrated Assessment. Springer, 2005, série Advances in Global Change Research, ISBN 1-4020-3424-5.pdf