〉Lamy L., Jehiel P. On the benefits of set-asides, Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 18, Issue 4, August 2020, Pages 1655–1696, in Editor’s Choice Collection
〉Lamy L., Jehiel P. A mechanism design approach to the Tiebout hypothesis, Journal of Political Economy 126 (2018), 735-760
〉Lamy L., Compte O., Laurent E. Marchés et allotissement : regroupement ou dégroupement ?, forthcoming in Revue Economique
〉Lamy L., Jehiel P. On discrimination in auctions with endogenous entry, American Economic Review 105 (2015), pp. 2595–2643
〉Lamy L., Jehiel P., On Absolute auctions and secret reserve prices, Rand Journal of Economics 46 (2015), pp. 241-270
〉Cours d’Economie Publique
〉Cours d’introduction au calcul économique
〉Information, design and markets, avec Olivier Tercieux