WP 2020-80 EOLES_elecRES model description
Behrang Shirizadeh, Quentin Perrier, Philippe Quirion
EOLES_elecRES is a dispatch and investment model that minimizes the annualized power generation and storage costs, including the cost of connection to the grid. It includes six power generation technologies: offshore and onshore wind power, solar photovoltaics (PV), run-of-river and lake-generated hydro-electricity, and biogas combined with opencycle gas turbines. It also includes three energy storage technologies: pump-hydro storage (PHS), batteries and methanation combined with open-cycle gas turbines.
The model is written in GAMS and solved using the CPLEX solver. The code and data are available on Github.3.
Shirizadeh B., Perrier Q., Quirion P., EOLES_elecRES model description, CIRED Working Papers, WP 2020-80