
Protecting the poor with a carbon tax and equal per capita dividend

Protecting the poor with a carbon tax and equal per capita dividend

Mark Budolfson, Francis Dennig, Frank Errickson, Simon Feindt, Maddalena Ferranna, Marc Fleurbaey, David Klenert, Ulrike Kornek, Kevin Kuruc, Aurélie Méjean, Wei Peng, Noah Scovronick, Dean Spears, Fabian Wagner & Stéphane Zuber


We find that if all countries adopt the necessary uniform global carbon tax and then return the revenues to their citizens on an equal per capita basis, it will be possible to meet a 2 °C target while also increasing wellbeing, reducing inequality and alleviating poverty. These results indicate that it is possible for a society to implement strong climate action without compromising goals for equity and development.

Citation: Budolfson, M., Dennig, F., Errickson, F., Feindt S., Ferranna M., Fleurbaey M., Klenert D., Kornek U., Kuruc K., Méjean A., Peng W., Scovronick N., Spears D., Wagner F., Zuber S., Protecting the poor with a carbon tax and equal per capita dividend, Nature Climate Change

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