IMACLIM South Africa

IMACLIM South Africa

South African Contacts:

Dr. Harald Winkler, ERC, CTU
Dr. Bruno Merven, ERC, CTU

Financial support: AFD, Chaire Modélisation Prospective

The Network’s modelling activity on South Africa started as a PhD thesis with the financial support of the French development agency AFD and the scientific support of ERC at Cape Town University.

The resulting IMACLIM-ZAF is a 10-sector, 5-income class model that builds on a year-2005 hybrid matrix combining national accounting and energy balance data. It runs coupled to the SATIM model of the South African electricity system maintained at ERC to explore the 2035 horizon in one single leap. One specific feature of IMACLIM-ZAF is a disaggregation of the labour factor into 3 skill levels. The purpose is to capture the constraint exerted by high-skill shortage on any transition pathway towards a greener South African economy.

Preliminary results on the assessment of a South African carbon tax scheme with various recycling options were published at the end of 2015 (Schers, 2015). Updated results will be published in the final PhD thesis by the summer of 2018. This should allow publication of journal articles and open up opportunities for further joint work with ERC.


Schers, J. (2015). Green growth and its implications for public policy–The case of South Africa. Études de l’AFD 4, AFD, Paris, 153 pp.

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