
Can albedo change offset the climate benefit of carbon sequestrating practices?

Can albedo change offset the climate benefit of carbon sequestrating practices?

Workshop organized by CIRAD and the CLAND Convergence Institute, with the support of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and the 4 per Thousand Initiative


The climate benefit of land use and land use change is often quantified through the change in biochemical aspects, especially soil organic carbon stocks and greenhouse gases emissions. However, recent studies suggest that biophysical aspects, such as albedo change, should also be considered to better estimate the radiative forcing of different practices.

This workshop gathers top scientists to provide the most up-to-date knowledge about the potential offset or amplification of the climate benefit of carbon sequestrating practices, identify knowledge gaps and propose a way forward for future research projects.

This event was initially planned in Montpellier, France. Unfortunately, due to the current Covid19 pandemic, we decided to transform it into a webshop/webinar. We hope you will enjoy it anyway and learn a lot during this event. Anyone can attend but registration is compulsory (and free).

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