Thématiques de recherche
- Économie de l’énergie
- Modélisation des systèmes énergétiques
- Marchés de l’énergie et régulation
Recherche en cours/Documents de travail
〉Lévêque, C., Shirizadeh, B., Jacamon, V. and Trüby, J. (expected 2024), De-risking renewables: Internalizing the risks and quantifying the impact of de-risking instruments, in progress.
Articles, revues à comité de lecture
〉Shirizadeh, B., Ailleret, A., Cartry, C., Douguet, S., Gehring, T., Maden, S., Mais, B., Mross, L., Theis, J., Cabot, C., Villavicencio, M. and Trüby, J. (2024), Climate neutrality in European heavy-duty road transport: How to decarbonise trucks and buses in less than 30 years?, Energy Conversion and Management, 309, 118438.
〉Shirizadeh, B., Ailleret, A., Guillon, A., B., Bovari, E., El Khatib, N., Douguet, S., Bou Issa, C., Brauer, J. & Trüby, J. (2023). Towards a resilient and cost-competitive clean hydrogen economy: the future is green. Energy & Environmental Science, 16, 6094-6109.
〉Shirizadeh, B., Villavicencio, M., Douguet, S., Trüby, J., Bou Issa, C., Sokhna Seck, G., D’herbemont, V., Hache, E., Malbec, L., Sabathier, J., Venugopal, M., Lagrange, F., Saunier, S., Straus J. & Reigstad, G. (2023). The impact of methane leakage on the role of natural gas in the European energy transition. Nature Communications 14, 5756
〉Shirizadeh, B., & Quirion, P. (2023). Long-term optimization of the hydrogen-electricity nexus in France: Green, blue, or pink hydrogen? Energy Policy, 181, 113702.
〉Shirizadeh, B. & Quirion, P. (2022). The importance of renewable gas in reaching carbon-neutrality: Insights from and energy system optimization model. Energy. 255(C) 124503.
〉Shirizadeh, B., Perrier, Q., & Quirion. P. (2022). How sensitive are fully renewable power systems to the cost uncertainty? The Energy Journal. Vol. 43, No 1
〉Shirizadeh, B. & Quirion, P. (2022). Do multi-sector energy system optimization models need hourly temporal resolution? Applied Energy. 305C 117951.
〉Shirizadeh, B., & Quirion, P. (2021). Low-carbon options for the French power sector; what role for renewables, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage. Energy Economics. 105004.
〉De Guibert, P., Shirizadeh, B., & Quirion, P. (2020). Variable time-step: a way to improve computational tractability for energy system models with long-term storage. Energy. 119024.
Thèse de doctorat
〉Atteindre la neutralité carbon en France d’ici 2050 : choix optimal des sources d’énergie, des vecteurs énergétiques et des options de stockage – soutenue en Février 2021.
Articles, conférences
〉Shirizadeh, B. (2021). Relative role of electricity and gas in a carbon neutral future: Insights from an energy system optimization model. In Energy, COVID, and Climate Change, 1st IAEE Online Conference, June 7-9, 2021. International Association for Energy Economics.
〉Shirizadeh, B. (2020). Solving the energy transition riddle: Renewable gas for transport and renewable electricity for heating. 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), pp. 1-6.
Articles/tribunes dans la presse
〉Un nouveau programme électronucléaire est-il justifié pour la France ? (Article in The Conversation, co-authored with Philippe Quirion, April 2022)
〉Pour un débat démocratique et citoyen sur l’énergie après l’élection présidentielle (Tribune in Le JDD, co-authored with Alain Grandjean, Philippe Quirion, Nicolas Goldberg, Robin Girard, Émilie Cariou, Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Jean-Pierre Goudard and Julien Robillard, October 2021).
〉Un mix électrique majoritairement nucléaire n’est pas la meilleure option économique (Tribune in Le Monde, co-authored with Quentin Perrier and Philippe Quirion, January 2021).
〉La montée en puissance des énergies renouvelables électriques ne nous mettra pas sur la paille, bien au contraire (EnerPresse N°12498, co-authored with Alain Grandjean and Philippe Quirion, January 2020).
〉Famille de modèles d’optimisation de l’investissement et du fonctionnement de systèmes énergétiques, EOLES (Energy Optimization for Low-Emission Systems)